
Showing posts from February, 2016

As it is, not as we see it

It's amazing what you find out when you stop looking at something as you wish it to be.....and see it as it IS..... This seems to be a recurring theme over the last few years. A great deal of my issues has come from ignoring my instincts. Taking things and people on words and faith alone. Combine that with an unfortunate ability to believe something is more than what the facts show it to be....and you can begin to understand my frustration. A close friend asked me to come up with a number of 1 sentence lessons to pass on to my kids that I've learned over the last 4 years. I thought it was an interesting exercise. It showed me just how scarred I am. It was an eye-opener. Why is it that people fear the blunt straight truth? Not seeking it, we all want that. But few actually give it. We him and we haw and we dodge and sand the rough edges off. But we are rarely straight, blunt, & 100% truthful. I'll use a example from my time with Tammy. When I cheated and Lie