Been A while........

It has been a long time since I wrote. Alot has happened. I will try to sum it up over this and the next few posts.

At the end of June my dad lost his battle with Cancer.  It was a rough time. But it did teach me a few valuable lessons. Most importantly, who you can count on and who you can't. Alot of folk gave lip service, which is understandable. We are all fighting our own battles, and some offered and I never really took them up on things, which is no reflection unto them, most days I wanted to be alone. But a few folk I never expected to just....drop. I guess.

The natural reaction is to say "Let me know if you need anything" "I'm always here for you", etc. But the reality cant count on alot of folk.

The ones you think will be there always usually are not. And there's always a reason, "Couldn't get there, watching my sisters kid, no sitter...whatever.

The one that gets me the most is "I wish I could be there" oh for fucks it...if ya wanted to, you would be....period...end of story. Please don't sugarcoat it.

And some folk came through for me in ways I never expected.  I guess what it comes down to is nothing is ever certain in this world. The list of people you can truly count on is much smaller than you think, this is just fact.

I do not begrudge anyone for it. Just an observation.

Shortly after the terrible task came of a benefit dinner and preparing the house for sale and for my Mom to move cross-country.

This is where my faith in a large portion of people has faltered. And again with the crowd "That sounds like fun" or "wish I was there right now" or my favorite "Someday"'s enough to make ya want to poke your eyes out with a fondue fork.

But in this came a stunning hit to the nerts......So much of my time, effort, and resources were wasted on folk like this. I do not hate the ones that did this, I just hate the useless lip service.

Which incidentially is what I'll get into in my next post. 


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