Politics & Musings (written 6/3/2020)

 Writing this her for posterity, originally posted to Facebook 6-3-2020

Well, I’m gonna vent & speak my peace before I get off social media for awhile. The toxicity on both sides is deplorable. So here we go. If you continually post unverified inflammatory crap. You are a $hitbag person. Period. You’re a gossiping lil bitch, No different than Jr. high, just higher stakes. If you can’t take the time to see if what you’re repeating is true. You’re part of the problem. $hitposters are the absolute worst. 9 for 10 they are just vomiting confirmation bias of Blanked out Tweets and old stories bad info. The bottom line is fu^!king TikTok is more reliable than 80% of these a$$bag posts. Because that is PROOF. That is VIDEO, that is AUDIO. It is what people SAY AND DO. Not what your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate said. (15 points for who gets that reference.)

MSM is not really trustworthy as well. I have SEEN myself $hit they have got wrong. First hand knowledge and I have seen it slanted, twisted, and warped. Different outlets. Different slants.

I see those supporting the violence. That’s your deal. What I find repugnant is supporting violence when it doesn’t touch you. Celebrities of fatuous gasbags living far from the epicenter talking about “Hell yeah, let it burn”. Stay in your own fu^*king yard Cleetus.... It’s easy to be revolutionary when you drive in and $hit in someone else’s living room. Far different when someone lays a big steaming pile on your own coffee table.

False Equivalencies- These have to be the worst. doesn’t matter if it’s “All Lives Matter”, “If they only complied” when even complying gets ya killed, or the new slant that the rioters are all White Supremacists.....suddenly getting bailed out by ...Hollywood Liberals??? ooookay then. Antifa, Soros, Proud Boys take your pic. There’s enough tinfoil to create one hell of a hat. If your argument is so weak it teeters on a False Equivalency, It’s a $hit argument and you should just not talk.

So many are hailing one group as heroes or another. The heroes are not the black-clad firestarters, they’re not the cops who allowed a systemic problem to grow, people hundreds or thousands of miles away stirring the pot, or the celebs in gated communities with private security....they are NOT heroes. White Supremacists Are not heroes. Antifa are not heroes. Posturing politicians are not heroes. The heroes are the people who get up, everyday and try to clean the carnage from their homes. Waiting for the next round. Not the people that start it, feed it, break it, or use it.

Virtue Signaling....nah I don’t have enough whiskey to rant about this.

$hit people come in all backgrounds, colors, neighborhoods, income & education levels. This is a simple fact. Accept it, or not....the Universe care little for your beliefs in the face of facts.

The argument of Blacks kill more blacks than cops do is a $hit deflection. Heart Disease kills more than ISIS. Do we ignore ISIS?

I see 3 responses to what’s going on. 1. We need Change (with no proposal of how to change). 2. Burn this motherf@%ker down. 3. Shoot all the looters/Rioters. For the record, all of these only serve to continue the problem. I’m tired of the bleating a$$holes who continually regurgitate this shite across the feed. I have muted so very many thus far. “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem...Stop being part of the Problem and put the other guy back on” John McClane.

Soooooo Since none of you other bleating a$$holes have any compunction to SOLVE the problem, or even to throw out ideas. I will. State is sectioned into 5 county groups. Each 5 County group has a board that reviews and deals with all police conduct cases. This will be a nine member board. 4 members of the community (2 of which will be POC in accordance with the 5 county makeup), all of which need to have some baseline education on Law enforcement or Law. 3 elected representatives (one county, 2 city, one of which needs to come from the most populous city in that county group), 1 police union rep, and BCA Rep. They will have oversight over all conduct cases. The meeting minutes and transcripts will be public. The investigation results will be public once an investigation concludes. The Reps in the meetings will be referred to by number (name is subpoenaed), this will eliminate political or social grandstanding. This will be a paying job, you will serve 3 years on the board with pay & benefits consummate with the position. Board members take no less than 3 ride-alongs every two weeks unless pressing investigations override that. In that they are still committed to one per week. Never in the municipality where they live, and never in the same municipality twice in a row.

That covers oversight. Next Community outreach. Every Officer will volunteer 15 hours a month in the community. Sgts. and above will be exempt. They instead will conduct mobile office days in the community to be visible and available to chat, have a cup of coffee and to BE MEMBERS of the communities they police.

Now we have Community Outreach out of the way. Now, onto training. Training You must have a criminal Justice Degree. The syllabus is two include 2 more Psychology classes, and 2 Conflict resolution classes. These will be required and take the place of Electives. In addition POST classes will see a major increase in requirements. Above and beyond what is required for Criminal Justice degrees. If you are pursuing a Criminal Justice degree, before your application for a department, you will need to submit proof of 3 years of education in soft martial arts. Judo, Ju Jitsu, BJJ. and the like. A move toward lower impact suspect control is a must. Also there will need to be deeper screening of candidates for latent or present behavioral issues. This will dovetail with yearly reviews but does not negate post incident reviews. This will not be cheap. Lastly. These officers will be highly trained and as such will need pay in accordance of their skills and risks. This again will not be cheap. If you are unwilling for a major tax hike to solve the problem, you do not want the problem solved.

There is it. Some of y’all have hard feelings about this. Bottom line, I don’t give a sugar frosted f*^k about your feelings. point blank. Your feelings mean as much as a dry fart to me. I care about real change, hard solutions and FACTS. Got a problem with that?? Door is that way...Don’t let it hit you in the a$$ on the way out.....

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