
Throughout our life people come and people go. Some are hard to remember, some you can never forget. When we make a person a part of our lives we give them a piece of ourselves and often the give one of them to us. Children, friends, parents, siblings, lovers, girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and wives. All leave their mark upon us. Some good, some bad. But each and every interaction has a role in shaping who we are and how we view the world. When these people leave our lives they leave behind that part of them with us, or a hole in us where they used to be. Sometimes we heal, and other times we cannot.  This does not mean that we should all become isolationists, but rather cherish the good in our lives for as long as we have it. Because life is fleeting, finite, and all too often filled with darkness and pain. Grab onto what makes you happy, fight for what’s important, and above all remember the odds of success should never…NEVER dissuade a man….a person of honor from fighting for what they believe to be just, true, and right.


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