Goals, Motivation, & New days

I came across a pin last night. It was kind of a wake-up. Yes I know all these wake ups at 41...quite interesting.

It said "A goal without a plan is just a wish".  If the last 4 years have taught me anything it's that your goals, must be your own. You cannot make someone else's goals your own and be happy. Because people...more often than not, cannot be counted on.  And never set aside your goals in the hope that someone else will recognize the sacrifice and it will be a partnered effort.

Literature, gaming, TV, Movies all are rife with long standing connections being betrayed for selfish goals.  Hell I watched a Youtube movie based on a game where such politics were the primary point. Halo: Nightfall.

So I have a large goal, but in order not to be overwhelmed I have broken it up into smaller bite-sized goals.

The primary goal is to get back to where I am supposed to be. With my finances, career, housing, and most importantly Children. All of which suffered greatly over the last 4 years.

The house is selling, from there I can get my own place away from the bad memories, start to rebuild what was lost. Furniture, housewares, basics.
This will be accomplished by avoiding unnecessary purchases, and buying at least one needed item from each check (weekly) or at least two (bi-weekly).  Take note...Bed, Bath, & Beyond or Sam's Club gift cards are epic presents...lol

Look at Thrift places for furniture, Craigslist, etc. Build a NEW Frankenbench (cue dramatic music from Two Steps from hell")

Look at a new bed in time. More storage and organization solutions (this would be the bailiwick of My former roommate, Storage Tetris queen she is)

  Focus on my job & not let anything get in the way of that ever again.
Avoid any social media or texting during work hours, stuff my pride away, focus on LEARNING, not saying.

Get on an even keel with my health.
Health insurance!!! Talk to a dietitian about adjusting my habits. Make use of the exercise room at the places I am looking at living at. Get on an even schedule with my medication. 

Time with my boys.

This suffered greatly through the time with the Ex. My life was in flux and through that they have suffered. That ends...period.

Bad Memories
Look at going back to counseling. I have found a couple that will take the insurance provided by my job once I am brought on full time. I was unaware at the depth and breadth of damage that she...and I have done to me. I am slowly coming to terms with those demons. But I now see that I cannot do it all alone. 

Don't let the overt Military images sway you, listen to the message.....what it has to say...what it means...how it feels.

Beidh lá eile ag an bPaorach.
Ní bhíonn saoi gan locht.


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