My weekend

This weekend I was able to participate in a wonderful union of friends. My dear friend was married. While everyone was heaping wishes of joy, happieness, & bliss upon them I withheld. Not because I wish them less....because that seemed to be a waste of a wish. One only needs to see them together to realize such a wish is like wishing fish to have water....well..durrrr its ALL AROUND THEM. As it is with these two. I've been in and seen my fair share of weddings. But it's a rare treat to bear witness to joining of two souls that were so very, 100%, disney-grade, made for each other. I've seen happy couples, but it's rare to see such a wonderful, perfect match. I've seen it only a small handful in my lifetime. My 2 lil brothers and their wives. My Aunt and Uncle.... Usually there is a disparity in effort, but this one seems very different indeed. It gives one faith & hope for a better future. I was told by her, about this a few weeks before the wedding. "He's not perfect, I'm not perfect...but we're perfect for each other". In the end...that's all you need really? In this day of internet driven, made to order replacements and swappable partners it truly is a blessing to see the birth of something you know will stand the tes of time. For being allowed to be a part of that I am grateful. So, Morgan & Eric, I do not wish you happiness...that's a waste of a wish...I wish you enough conflict & arguments to show you how truly blessed you two and this union truly is.....and a good supply of Duck Sauce/Mayo...because you can't have enough condiments


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