The concept of perception

The concept of human perception is an amazing thing. It is the lens through which we see the world and it allows our upbringing, our values, our beliefs, our personality, and even our genetics to shape and interpret what we see. How we present our perceptions is an unspoken testament to who we are at our core. The good, the bad, and the worse. It is an amazing thing and a horribly constricting curse. Our perspectives often work to constrict our view points until we see nothing but our own. We become so blinded by our own perspectives, so inflexible to the possibilities, that we cease to function as social animals. If you doubt me, go take a look at an internet politics discussion board. We have, for the most part become too inflexible to allow ourselves to explore the broader meaning of interpersonal relations. In order to function we must have like-minded individuals otherwise we self-destruct….burn all of our time seeking to sway the opinions of others. We like to tout how intelligent we are, but only a small fraction of people actually open themselves up to the possibility that their beliefs and perceptions are wrong. Because often that is our core…it is who we are. And to admit we were wrong in that is often a blow to the ego, one many are not prepared to absorb. The concept of perceptions at odds is at its worst in a relationship. Especially in our later years as our behavior patterns have become solidified. As I get older the concept of universal right and wrongs become increasingly hard to pin down. The majority of things in the world are a matter of perspective and perception. No matter what we choose to believe. In a certain perspective & perception promiscuity in a committed relationship can be considered okay, even though it is a generally held belief that it is not. I guess that’s why I believe that certain tenants are important in all of our dealings with others, be it professional, academic, personal, or romantic. Communication is certainly key. Learning the perceptions of others while not a necessity certainly assists in the development and maintenance of a healthy interpersonal relationship. This will give you an idea of how well you to mesh in whatever context you may be in. Similar perceptions and perspectives make this an easy task. Wildly differing perceptions make any interaction a constant battle though. In the next post I’ll address the concept of perception in relationships.


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